Sunday, April 17, 2011

Yay! for spring time!

As you can tell from me writting this..I survived that horrible flu infection killing virus thing. It took me almost two weeks but I did it :). We are still not sure exactly what it was or I came in contact with it, but I don't ever want it again please.

Here in CO, the weather has been fairly nice. Mostly 60's and 70's. Except for the snow on monday but that was only like an inch and it was gone by the next day. I am in love with sunshine and being outside. So is my dog who loves for me to run when I need her to come in every morning.

Still waiting for insurance to approve my night brace and without my doc doesn't want to order my AFO's. Did I mention how much I hate insurance companies? Hopefully I will here something this week. For now I just wear my temporary brace on my left foot because it is the worst of the two.

I registered for school in the summer, just waiting to see if I can start in may, all depends if financial aide is going to be approved.

Hope all is well with everyone :)


  1. Girrrrrl I am right there with you on the hate ins. companies!! I will pray that you get your brace and your financial aide!

  2. Glad you are well again! I hope you don't have to wait long and that the insurance company approves the brace. We are heading into winter here. Although the sun has been shining the past week which has been wonderful. Enjoy your sun!!

  3. So glad you are feeling better!!! Insurance companies..*sigh* they have taught me patience..whether I wanted to be taught or not.
    Yup-my dogs are the same way...:)

  4. I'm glad you're feeling better- good luck with insurance! Enjoy the sunshine!!
