Saturday, January 29, 2011 do you re-train a brain you have had for 26 years?

I went to my neurologist yesterday to check on the results of the first Botox injections. I saw results the first couple weeks, but wasn't quite sure I was seeing a difference from then on. The Dr. says she sees a difference especially in the right leg and foot. My left foot has always been worse so she sees a difference but not as significant. I felt good that it seems like we are heading in the right direction, that is until I got the bill in the mail. Every time I get injections (every three month) it will cost me 500 dollars which is with insurance. Ouch!! I am a nanny, I don't make that kind of money! So I am not sure what I am going to do yet.

Our next step is doing extensive PT. The doctor says that my body can no longer handle the way I walk. I hardly put my heels down, walk on the sides of my feet, and do not make smooth transitions from one leg to another. So the PT is going to teach me how to walk correctly and retrain my brain to do things correctly instead of just adapting to what my disability allows me to do.

I am a little afraid of all of this and just a little down because walking seems so easy for everyone and it just isn't for me. But I will figure it out and then I will be the best walker that I can be :) LOL!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Almost done with January

This month wasn't good or bad...I will take it. LOL! Work has kept me really busy this month. Nannying special needs kids alway keeps things in perspective for me, I see what all of my kiddos have to deal with and I realize I don't have it bad at all.

I am not like my PT office. They have canceled on me three times already. The first time they schedule me with a person that has never dealt with someone that has CP. I was to scared to see them because I didn't want them to do something wrong (I felt bad, but I just didn't feel comfortable). So I called my neurologist and she recommended another PT office for me to call. I will call and try and make an appointment with them tomorrow.

I have an appointment to see my neurologist on Friday. She wants to look at my legs and see what the botox injections are doing. I am afraid I won't be able to get another more injections for a really long time because I just got the bill for my last injects and they cost me 500 dollars and thats with insurance. I just don't have that kind of money lying around.

I have a meeting with a school administration to talk about some options for a business management degree. I have been talking to people about the idea of opening a daycare type facility that is more geared toward special needs children. I always have big dreams :)

Hope all is well with everyone!


Monday, January 17, 2011

First cold of the

I am currently still working with two special needs families, which is fun but a little exhausting. Starting this week I cut down to only working with one. Great for my energy level, not so great from my bill payments. We shall see how that all plays out.

Its been almost three weeks since my first injections of botox. I notice a difference the first week and a half, but I am not sure if I see much difference now. I meet with my doctor next friday to see if she sees much difference. I also get to see my PT for my legs next monday, so we will see what he suggests. I am still walking on the sides of my feet and be in a fairly good amount of pain most the time.

I am currently battling a cold....kind of feel like I got hit by a very large truck. Work will be a little hard this week :)

I am working on some new drawings and paintings, maybe I will post pictures on here when I am done...I do it for fun....they are not that great lol!

Hope all is well.


Saturday, January 1, 2011

Well hello 2011

Wow where did 2010 go? Not that it was a great year or anything..but it went by super fast. This year I decided to not really make resolutions, but to really just live each day, no wait make that to celebrate each day. I realized this year that I have an amazing family and amazing friends (that includes you blogger friends).

How was everyone's Christmas? Mine was insanely busy, but fantastic none the less.

I had my first botox injections last week. Not to sound like a total wimp...but those thinks hurt LOL! The doctor did three injections on each leg. She said it would take a couple days to go into effect. I am not really sure what I am looking for really. I had to change my PT appointment to this coming Tuesday because we had a snow storm come through Colorado and I didn't feel like driving to it last week. So I am hoping this new PT will help tell me what exactly the botox effects look like.

How was everyone's new years? Do anything fun?

Love and hugs